LA Trip: Day 2 & 3
Now since I have pictures, this is the hallway my hotel room is in. It's the second on the left, so come on by if you don't have anything better to do.

And this is the spectacular view out of my 2nd floor window.

Day 2:
Once upon a time, I went to the Santa Monica Pier with my friend Heather.

I met some of the locals,

and met with some peril.

Fearing for my safety, I decided it was time to go, but not without taking a picture of the Pier first.

Heather and I decided to head to Grauman's Chinese Theater, where we though it would be safer, but we quickly encountered dragons,

menacing, fanged creatures,

and a large wall sconce.

Deciding it would be better to come back when we were more prepared to deal with the dangers of dragons and sconces, we went home and I could read my book.

Day 3:
Considering the perils I faced the previous day, I felt it would be best to stay in my hotel room and work on some homework for school that is due tomorrow.
The End.
Now since I have pictures, this is the hallway my hotel room is in. It's the second on the left, so come on by if you don't have anything better to do.

And this is the spectacular view out of my 2nd floor window.

Day 2:
Once upon a time, I went to the Santa Monica Pier with my friend Heather.

I met some of the locals,

and met with some peril.

Fearing for my safety, I decided it was time to go, but not without taking a picture of the Pier first.

Heather and I decided to head to Grauman's Chinese Theater, where we though it would be safer, but we quickly encountered dragons,

menacing, fanged creatures,

and a large wall sconce.

Deciding it would be better to come back when we were more prepared to deal with the dangers of dragons and sconces, we went home and I could read my book.

Day 3:
Considering the perils I faced the previous day, I felt it would be best to stay in my hotel room and work on some homework for school that is due tomorrow.
The End.
ninadelamorte: have a Nixon bookman mark.