Bloody Hell!
Things have been kinda hectic lately, moved into my new house, I have to rebuild the motor in my Camaro soon and money is just tight these days. Gotta figure that out soon because the last thing I need is to blow my motor and be out of a car!
Other then that things have been alright. I met someone who I thought...
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Things have been kinda hectic lately, moved into my new house, I have to rebuild the motor in my Camaro soon and money is just tight these days. Gotta figure that out soon because the last thing I need is to blow my motor and be out of a car!
Other then that things have been alright. I met someone who I thought...
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Finally started moving into my new place this week. I'm so excited to have a house now, its such an upgrade from my apartment. It's time for a new change in pace in my life. Just paid of some of my bills and now I just have to pay of my loan and I'll be debt free for the most part.
Me and my room...
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So far today is off to a good start. Picked up my first paycheck with my raise and man was it a site for sore eyes. I have so much to do and I just dont know where to start. Its tough trying to turn your life around when there is just so little time and resources to do so. Its just been so hard...
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Man, its been awhile. I haven't been on in months. My apartment was broken into a few months ago. a few thousand dollars of my personal belongings were stolen. Really sucks, lost my ipod, laptop among other things. I finally got my raise at Ace, so hopefully I can afford to replace most of my shit.
My girlfriend just recently broke up with me after...
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My girlfriend just recently broke up with me after...
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Nothing like a crappy webcam photo in the morning!
Even on my days off I still get up at the butt crack of dawn, I'm ruined! I have a lot planned for today though. After I get everything straight here at the apt. Gotta change the oil in my Camaro, replace a few little parts, and then I'm off to Palmdale for an interview on...
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Well goodmorning!
Finally, today is my Friday. I work 10 straight hours today and then im off for 3 days. i've clocked over 80 hours already. This pay check should be relatively nice, after all my bills I should have money left over for a change. i need to go to show, its been awhile.
Finally, today is my Friday. I work 10 straight hours today and then im off for 3 days. i've clocked over 80 hours already. This pay check should be relatively nice, after all my bills I should have money left over for a change. i need to go to show, its been awhile.
Ohhh man, these next few days are gunna kill me. I'm working over 84 hours next week. I'm definitely going to be sore and exhausted. At least my paycheck will be amazing and I'll finally have some play money.
yaaaaay play money
what're your plans for it?????

I'm back, its definitely been far too long since I've last been on SG. Things have just been hectic around here. I'm currently working 2 jobs and paying off all my loans. My apartment is looking more like home. Its crazy to think that i've lived her for over 4 months now.
Finally fixed some issues with my camaro, she's running strong now. I'm about...
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Finally fixed some issues with my camaro, she's running strong now. I'm about...
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its definitely been a while since I've post anything on this site. So here a little follow up with whats been going on lately.
Moving into my new apt, finally away from my family and can finally have room to breath. Right now money is definitely a problem, i'm hoping that I can get a raise soon if not i'm going to have to find...
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Moving into my new apt, finally away from my family and can finally have room to breath. Right now money is definitely a problem, i'm hoping that I can get a raise soon if not i'm going to have to find...
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I got up this morning at 7 and got ready for work, got dressed. warmed up the car and left. I get to work and I realized today I didnt have to be in till 9am. i could slept an extra hour, now my day is going to seem so long and dragged on..
The brighter side of things, I move out a week...
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I got up this morning at 7 and got ready for work, got dressed. warmed up the car and left. I get to work and I realized today I didnt have to be in till 9am. i could slept an extra hour, now my day is going to seem so long and dragged on..
The brighter side of things, I move out a week...
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