The end of a very lazy Saturday evening here at headbones hq.
I've spent all evening vegitating in the house. Not a bad thing: I think I needed it.
I have created a friendster account tonight (after getting an invitation). I'm in two minds about inviting anyone else: in a perverse way I want to be on friendster with only one friend.
As seems to be usual at the minute I have been to a gig this week. Art rocker served up "The Dirty" (average, UK, Rollng Stones wannabes) and "Digger and the Pussycats". Now Digger was two guys, an awful guitarist/vocalist, and the 2nd most entertaining drummer I've ever seen. He had a snare, a bass drum (I think, but not a sit-down one) and one cymbal. He played standing up and headbanged and jumped around a lot.
I've just changed my avatar for the first time. I may well go back to the cartoon at some point as it's go me a couple of my friends on here. But for now, you get to look at my shiny forehead. You lucky people.
The end of a very lazy Saturday evening here at headbones hq.
I've spent all evening vegitating in the house. Not a bad thing: I think I needed it.
I have created a friendster account tonight (after getting an invitation). I'm in two minds about inviting anyone else: in a perverse way I want to be on friendster with only one friend.
As seems to be usual at the minute I have been to a gig this week. Art rocker served up "The Dirty" (average, UK, Rollng Stones wannabes) and "Digger and the Pussycats". Now Digger was two guys, an awful guitarist/vocalist, and the 2nd most entertaining drummer I've ever seen. He had a snare, a bass drum (I think, but not a sit-down one) and one cymbal. He played standing up and headbanged and jumped around a lot.
I've just changed my avatar for the first time. I may well go back to the cartoon at some point as it's go me a couple of my friends on here. But for now, you get to look at my shiny forehead. You lucky people.

spider died

s'ok i'm a flippant guy