The clocks have gone forward and the evenings are light. That's put a spring in my step.
If I was brave I'd start using my push bike to commute again, but my new job is twice as far as I'm used to commuting on a bike. Plus it's the other side of London, and I don't think I'm brave enough to take on that traffic.
Excuses for not doing exercise? I hope not: my winter flab needs shifting.
If I was brave I'd start using my push bike to commute again, but my new job is twice as far as I'm used to commuting on a bike. Plus it's the other side of London, and I don't think I'm brave enough to take on that traffic.
Excuses for not doing exercise? I hope not: my winter flab needs shifting.
You're a braver man than me for considering biking it to work across London but then again the tubes and buses aren't much better.....