Today, In a fit of early spring cleaning, I cleared out a load of magazines and most of my old tapes.
This is a big deal for me: I seem to hoard junk for no apparent reason, other than "it may be useful one day".
The tapes were copies of my CD and records that I used to listen to on my walkman years ago, so they were just gathering dust. There were a few mix tapes (or compilations as they were called when I made them) that I listened to before binning. I realised that I never make anything like that anymore, but I used to really enjoy it. Maybe my dreams of becoming a DJ died somewhere back than and I didn't notice
This is a big deal for me: I seem to hoard junk for no apparent reason, other than "it may be useful one day".
The tapes were copies of my CD and records that I used to listen to on my walkman years ago, so they were just gathering dust. There were a few mix tapes (or compilations as they were called when I made them) that I listened to before binning. I realised that I never make anything like that anymore, but I used to really enjoy it. Maybe my dreams of becoming a DJ died somewhere back than and I didn't notice

will let you know the next one if your up for it?