Does what you do for a living define you as a person?
I don't ever think it will for me, working will only ever be a way of earning money. Finding a good job to me means finding one that is as palatable as possible.
I can't decide if this makes me a fatalist or that it means I'm well grounded.
I don't ever think it will for me, working will only ever be a way of earning money. Finding a good job to me means finding one that is as palatable as possible.
I can't decide if this makes me a fatalist or that it means I'm well grounded.

Well my job definitely says nothing about who I am. I work in a science and business library as a library technical assisstant. I update reference material and work at the information desk. You would think I am some library nerd. Psh... I am dumb ass a door nail. *shrug*