Holy explosive-growth-well-above-replacement-rates, Batman! My plan to thin out my library via a two books out for every one in policy has been a dismal failure. A combination of awesome authors touring through DC and a tax refund that was largely funneled to Amazon have been to blame.
On Wednesday, I caught Marsha Ackermann's talk on her social history of air conditioning; it's basically her dissertation. It was timely, since I've been meaning to read Heat Wave, about the Chicago heat a few years back. She gave a decent but muffled talk, not really using the mic. Her audience was stacked with old friends from her days of working for the Smithsonian, I gathered. The fact that she went back for a PhD in middle age and is now a fabulous academic gives me hope that if I change my mind and go back to grad school someday, I could be ok.
While in that store, I also found a signed copy of Forty Signs of Rain. W00t!!! I'm a bit sore I missed seeing KSR speak, but I'm not sure he even came through town.
I'm usually pretty good about following the stores' lineups. Since this is the first of a trilogy, I'm sure it will be much more thought-provoking than "The Day After Tommorrow."
Which brings me to Friday's talk at Politics & Prose. David Brooks was great! He was very funny, but stayed interesting and really knew his audience. I can't wait to read On Paradise Drive. The real reason I'm excited about the trip out there, though, is because the store's remainder tables where a gold mine. I got another present for my sister's birthday and most of my Christmas shopping done, too. Plus, They had The Carpet Wars and Bangkok 8 in hardback for cheap, and I'd had my eye on them for a while.
Today, I need to finish Goddard's Getting There and return it and another library book before starting on The End of Oil. Later, I might see a movie. I'll probably hold off on F911 and hope to catch it at the AFI next week, after the crowds thin out.
On Wednesday, I caught Marsha Ackermann's talk on her social history of air conditioning; it's basically her dissertation. It was timely, since I've been meaning to read Heat Wave, about the Chicago heat a few years back. She gave a decent but muffled talk, not really using the mic. Her audience was stacked with old friends from her days of working for the Smithsonian, I gathered. The fact that she went back for a PhD in middle age and is now a fabulous academic gives me hope that if I change my mind and go back to grad school someday, I could be ok.
While in that store, I also found a signed copy of Forty Signs of Rain. W00t!!! I'm a bit sore I missed seeing KSR speak, but I'm not sure he even came through town.

Which brings me to Friday's talk at Politics & Prose. David Brooks was great! He was very funny, but stayed interesting and really knew his audience. I can't wait to read On Paradise Drive. The real reason I'm excited about the trip out there, though, is because the store's remainder tables where a gold mine. I got another present for my sister's birthday and most of my Christmas shopping done, too. Plus, They had The Carpet Wars and Bangkok 8 in hardback for cheap, and I'd had my eye on them for a while.
Today, I need to finish Goddard's Getting There and return it and another library book before starting on The End of Oil. Later, I might see a movie. I'll probably hold off on F911 and hope to catch it at the AFI next week, after the crowds thin out.
We don't have one in MI. My roommate went to California.
Did someone tell you I was shy?