Preparing to move from one suburban enclave of DC to another. Busy, busy. I wish I hadn't gotten the wrong size boxes. Just need to tell myself I'll be on vacation as soon as they're moved.
In other news, of the three Jimmy Stewart movies I have seen, Bell, Book and Candle didn't suck.
Kinky Friedman gave a brief but funny talk. It was much more political than his last talk at Olsson's, but then his gubernatorial campaign is revving up, I guess.
Alas, this month and the next are fairly poor on speakers of interest to me. Except for Feynman's daughter/editor. That should rock.
The MTA guy was very interesting. I liked seeing all the statistics; that was pretty cool.
Susanka herself was interesting. The 20 minutes of marketroid hype from the organizers of the trade association that was hosting was . I didn't stay for the Q & A, since I was very tired by then.
Caffeine is a wonder drug, but I think it's turning me into... Read More
No, I KNEW there was something I was forgetting when I was at home. I should really write this shit down. Okay, this is me, right now, writing it down in my green brain, because I am a dork, and I carry the green brain in my purse back at home.
Hmm, what do you consider too much fiction? My very rough estimate is that the main Powell's store is 2/5 fiction. But that isn't counting any of the satellite stores, some of which are quite large and carry virtually none (e.g. the Technical store, which is all science and engineering books---trust me, you'd be kissing the ground there).
Thursday I finally got to see my doctor, then I ran errands the rest of the day rather than go to work. So I bought a ticket to see Sarah Susanka (author of The Not So Big House and derivative works) talk on Wednesday. Then I showed up at the Library of Congress to see Lawrence Lessig talk. His speech was excellent, but the slides... Read More
Just wanted to tell you I'm finding your comments in the "gas prices to rise 25 cents" thread interesting, enjoyable, and educational. It's nice to see people bringing some rationality and knowledge to the discussion of alternative fuels and such.
And you're getting to see Susan Susanka! I love her books.
At least I live in Portland, so I've got something to hold over you. Nyah nyah.
Best healthcare system money can buy, indeed. I arrive for my appointment 15 minutes early, only to find their door locked. After waiting two hours, I no one shows except other would be patients. No one else in the building I ask knows anything, either.
In other news, I'm back to feeling feverish and enduring chills. I'm not really a wimp about pain; I just... Read More
I wish we could charge doctors cancellation fees. You know, you do not show up for your appointment with us, and we charge you the cost of work, cost of gas, cost of extra Nyquill.