My LIL Superhero.....
This week I had a client who wanted me to photograph 12 months of different images to create a Calendar for all her family members with her lil guy. I have Captain America's Mask and Shield, along with a mini shield for the lil ones because mine is the authentic heavy as shit one!
Arya got dropped off after my shoot and saw the Captain Setup and begged to model. I couldn't say no since that stuffy I stole off her bed haha! She actually sleeps with Captain America every night.
She had to pose cute with them then put on the mask and "take down the bad guys".
So her almost being 4 years old I decided to show her Marvel Movies. I figured lets start with Spiderman to ease her into them. I saw every one of them except one... BIG MOMMA MISTAKE!
**SPOILER ALERT** Gwen Stacy died... I didn't think about that from the comics so this poor girls empathetic ways left her in tears and Mom telling her that these things happen in real life. When people pass all we can do is remember the good times we've had with them.
After the Spidey movies I decided it was time for the big girl movie..... The Avengers. I was going to start with the first Captain America but the storyline is a lot of dialogue so I skipped right into the Avengers and she loved it. She was jumping with her shield and after a while she jumped train to HULK SMASH!
And now with Disney + we can enjoy all the Marvel OVER AND OVER!
I actually started her on Disney Princess Movies too. She's seen a few of them but she hasn't seen the classics so we watched Cinderella, Princess and the Frog and The Lil Mermaid was last nights viewing pleasure.
Arya cried so bad when her grotto got destroyed.
"MOM HER DAD IS SO MEAN! All she wanted was a boyfriend and her Daddy destroyed her treasure".
Today we have Disney on Ice. I can't wait. It's amazing to share Disney with her the way my parents did with me.
I still to this day remember my first Disney film in theaters. The Fox in the Hound...
I still remember my first trip to Disneyland at age 6....
I remember her first trip to Disney when she was 2 years old.
To many more memories that we can cherish a lifetime