I'm a huge Star Wars nut and my girl @aurralee took some photos of me for a tribute to the glorious Kylo Ren! I just LOVE them!!!! I can't wait to see her again in the fall! I wish we lived closer because boy do I adore this babe. xoxo
I chopped off half my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured do something light for summer and then grow it back for my wedding next year. Then I can do a glorious Game of Thrones inspired hairstyle.
Can you guess the theme of my wedding? hahaha
Above is a shot we did for our site. Tonight we are doing another group set so I can order in a new large banner for HEX (the big horror convention coming to Calgary in October).
SO I wanted to do a set called "You Can't Censor Us". You see my art gets flagged ALL the time on social media and they claim my horror is depicting sexual acts. It baffles me who sits at the desk and claims this. I do gore glam shoots.
We are going to do nude with blood covering our bodies. But then I am going to put the big black censor bars across our lady bits. Then for our banner a big one across all of us that will read HAZZARDOUS MATERIAL.
Well I am off to get Seleena a birthday cake. This bitch is gonna be surprised as ever! A bunch of us got decorations all in pink for this babe! Ill snap some photos so I can show ya!
ps- HAPPY #FuckPantsFriday you sexy SOB's!