One of my fav shots of myself! Atomic Erotic killed this one! Its from a set I did an ode to the Queen of Hearts <3
So I hit 32 weeks this week! I went into my doctor for a checkup lol I had NO idea I was having Braxton Hicks Contractions. I was getting measured and I said oh Arya's stretching! my Doctor starts laughing and tells me no those are contractions. Its your body getting ready for her arrival.
So I was shocked because I have friends who keel over and cry from these and it was one thing I was afraid of when I got pregnant. I had a co worker ball like a baby and scream every time it happened.
It makes me wonder do I just process pain differently? or are they total pussies? time will tell when I give birth! So far Pregnancy has been a billion times better then I thought it was going to be. The morning sickness I had was sucky because I seriously threw up for four months but it wasn't that bad. I love Arya's movement and double kick bass to my stomach. Sometimes it looks freaky the way my stomach is moving like and ocean but I love it and will cherish this time I spent with her in my belly!
Well I am off to relax! I am putting on a show at Distortion tomorrow so I need to relax then prep for the party! if you are in Calgary come party!