Oh man what a weekend! I had so much fun with the ladies out in Edmonton.
That's me and my friends (Hazz Mat models too!) cosplaying LOTR and our Photo with Billy Boyd! Billy was epic! We gave him a hoodie and some prints which he loved!
We named ourselves "The Female Fellowship" because we are a good group of friends that hangout all the time. We worked all year on these costumes. The ladies sewed everything you see them in! I had a tunic with Metal Woman Panties but by the time expo came my baby belly was too large to fit in it so I put on a black dress under the studded bra I wore.
That's a photo Edmonton Expo caught of me on stage during our performance for the costume contest. We were seriously upset with what happened that night.
So we put together a 2 minute skit with movie clips. We each did a little piece with our characters then in the end did a cross stage dance into our resting position.
We get on stage they announce Rachel as Gladriel then music starts which was not ours. They pushed us out back stage onto the stage and said just walk out. The push almost knocked me over! I had on huge hooker boots and that mask so I could not see anything! I would of lost my rocker if I fell on there with a baby on board.
I waited so long to say FEAST ON HIS FLESH live. Witch King has been a personal fav of mine since I was a child. It really sucked that we couldn't do it for our fans who came far and wide to watch us perform. I am gonna do a video of us so our fans can see what they missed.
Here is a photo they used for their album cover. Kaede is Gandalf, me as the Witch King, Fireytee as Legolas, Morbid Morgana as Saruman and then Rachel Hebert as the beautiful Gladriel.
I handcrafted that sword from paper mache!! I also had this epic knee high boots I made with worbla that looked like metal to match my gauntlets. It really sucked because come show time I could not get the boots on my swollen feet! hahahaha the joys of pregnancy I tell ya!
One thing that REALLY sucked was they put us in the fucking Kidszone. So we had very angry parents all weekend. One lady on the last day got food at the vendor across from us then marched over like a asshole bitching in the faces of the models. She got cheese sauce on a wack of prints and including a Harley Quinn piece I had up for sale. One guy came back to buy it so I had to take his contact to tell him Ill order a fresh canvas after what she did.
Expo came by after she stormed into their office, bitched us out and said TAKE DOWN YOUR BANNER NOW! Your art is obviously offensive.
Like why did they no research our company before taking my $1700 for the largest booth space at the expo?
Suckerpunch sold right away which made me happy! Jason was sooo close to selling! I had on guy at the end try and low ball me for a price but I was not going to take that after working so hard on those canvas pieces!
Well back to the grind! I gotta reply to a wack of emails from the weekend because the cell service in that building was next to non existent so it was tough replying to fans. One day I hope the arena's get free wifi to make posting easy peasy!
ALSO follow us on Snap Chat if you got it!