It's been a shit storm in my life over the last little while.
So my Dishwasher blew and I bought a new one, then two days later my Washing machine went and I called a repairman. It was not worth fixing so I ended up buying a brand new pair from Sears.
This past weekend was my first weekend off in months. I've been running myself thin so Saturday I called up the models/friends and BBQ'd dinner for everyone. We drank, smoked and played Rockband. What I woke up to I will never forget.
Its just before 8am and I frantic banging to my bedroom door. I open it up to my friend ghostly white and rambling on about Paramedics in my house and they need to talk to me.
I take a step out of my bedroom and my hallway is blood spattered. I look at the guest room door and bloody hand marks my walls. I walked out into a real life horror film.
My friend sliced open her ditch in her arm in my backyard. She sat there for a while then walked through my house bleeding upstairs and stood in the guest room to show her sleeping girlfriend after they fought. My other friend heard them, walked out and called 911 immediately.
The worst part about this..... my fucking insurance was negated due to the police report. The bloody EMS told them we were partying so drugs and alcohol were listed in report which fucked me royally.
Six fucking thousand dollars later I have new flooring in about a week. I am getting rid of carpet all together and matched it to the hardwood on the main floor.
I was seriously worried about my friend but at the same time I am so angry. She has no home, she has no car, she has no money to even help me pay for my house. She was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and it angers me to no end our mental health care system here gives zero fucks.
They kept her for 72 hrs and let her roam free. She is a danger to herself and needs help but refuses it. I dont know what to do anymore. This hits home like it did with Andrew. He was schizophrenic and went off his meds. He thought people were following him so he left in the middle of the night.. dead of winter and froze to death outside.
We need better health care for mental health. I need fight stronger for this. I just don't know what steps to take... where to start and where to write to.
Well back to the grind! I've gotta finish editing that wedding ! Next one is not til July! But here is a shot I did from the last one