This has been such a long wait! I am a wee bit nervous but super excited. I meet Jason Momoa on Saturday. GAH I WILL NOT PASS OUT I WILL NOT PASS OUT!
I will make sure I scan the photo to show everyone. I also am doing a meet n greet with Gwendoline (aka Brienne of Toth) and Rosario Dawson. I might put out the cash to meet Skeet Ulrich and get my Scream DVD signed.
I went to the grounds last night to get our tickets exchanged into wristbands and then got my gauntlets approved. I was a wee bit worried as they are real metal. Our expo is pretty sticky on props. A couple years ago I was Black Widow and they were going to confiscate my plastic toy guns until they realized I was working media.
SO LOOK FOR DR DOOM THIS FRIDAY IN THE PARADE AND ALL DAY AT THE EXPO! Saturday I will be Scarlet Witch and Sunday come check me out at SHADES OF GREY TATTOO as yours truly is getting a leg sleeve done on Sunday! BOOM!
THOR VS LOKI!!!!! Check out these killer costumes my models made! Rachel is going to walk with me in the Parade as Loki! so we are both Villains!
She made everything you see minus the boots! Talk about talent!
NecrOphelia got her costume made by a dear friend. She's working the expo all weekend so keep your eyes peeled for her as Thor and a sexy Storm Trooper.