@cheshi went up last night! I am so proud of all the love you have given her on this killer set! If you haven't seen her yet click the link bellow
I really hope this one goes live! I photographed this one while I was at the Edmonton Expo working the show. That weekend was waaaaay too much fun! I just loved her Batman outfit. I am a huge comic geek so when she told me her idea for the outfit I was floored!
That weekend I also got to meet a crush of mine
You can tell how excited I am by that goofy smile! He saw my press pass and then looked at me, then his manager and said "we looked at them right?". His Manager said yes that's the gore artist.
Mads turned to me and said "Your work is very Hannibal. I like it"
That is something I will cherish forever. Horror has always been in my blood and when you have such a noted actor say something that really tugged on your heart strings it warmed my heart.
Here is a photo I took of him at the expo
I've got that blown up and going to frame it with my autographed print. He just conveys so much emotion in his eyes. I love it!
Well back to the grind! Ive gotta edit like a mad woman to catch up on the sets I photographed over the weekend.
Tomorrow I get my hair did! I am going back to something bold so I will take some selfies to show ya'all!
Much Love!