So we've got a few of the staff traveling and doing interviews. Alyxx Monroe caught up with All Else Fails in Edmonton! I am so pumped for some of the bands we've lined up for 2015 while they are here on Tour. 80% of the bands we've been asking (big huge signed labels) have said yes! So Ill try to post them on here so I can share the quirkiness of Hazzardous Material
Here is some killer fan art that was sent to me by a fan named Zayne. LOVE THESE! Its so neat to see what fans do with the images on Facebook.
I absolutely LOVE Dandy on American Horror Story. He is one of the most brilliant characters of all time.
His workout scenes! HUBBA HUBBA! I wont lie I was even attracted with that ripped body covered in BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well its back to the grind! I've gotta design a dress for Oogie Boogie for the Nightmare Before Xmas Shoot this weekend. Fingers and dicks crossed I can pull this stitching off!