This weekend was LOUD AS HELL and we were defiantly DRUNK AS FUCK
Here is a quick lil cell phone snap from someone of the group (we are missing Ryukandy) but left is Blake, T Racey (Myself that short ginga) FireyTee and then Miss Nyxx
I took 1300 images and videos this weekend. I cant wait to get these edited and ready to go for everyone to view. My body today is dying.
I endured the pit with FireyTee. We got up to the front for my personal fav Ninjaspy and my arms are killing me for bracing the barricades so we never got crushed.
This was T Racey's first metal experience. She is into dance/industrial but loves camping so she came to enjoy a weekend with the fans. I felt HORRIBLE because she was like I've got this! Ill come up close for Ninjaspy and then a circle pit of death sucked her in. My buddy Jordan went in after her and rescued her thank goodness!
Well its off to edit like a mad woman so I can share some photos and video. Just wait til you see the windstorm we went through. Pretty sure we almost endured a tornado!