I'm not new here. but it matters little. writing here is not so satisfiying, I need friends, but I'm not sure I want to make them here.... people are very judgemental.... and in my past experiances.... people have been pretty false and fake on here towards me. two faced as you will. I used to be pretty active with this.... and the only reason I did it again was to check up on people that I cared about and think about .... unfortunately a few of them have already left the site... and I don't blame them. the women are pretty here... the other people all try to be deep or intellectual... I mean everyone tries to... so what's the point in trying?
what you think and let others judge what they will. Those that
mesh with what you say are really the ones you want to talk
to anyway.
Yeah, whatever. I've been on this site now for, what, one day.
Oh well, if you have a better take, tell me about it.