yesterday I found out ... or well I hung out with someone for the first time. she's excellent. cute great... used to be here too. she seems like everything a guy could want in a girl.... I like her. as a friend. and I'm sure given the chance I would like her if we were closer too.
anyhow that's not the point.. well it is... the point is I care about her.
she told me about something... she's been doing... something bad, dangerous... harmful involving substances.. bad substances... I'm not talking cigarettes or weed... worse things. much worse...
I want to tell her to stop I wish I could give her some valid reason to stop... other than "not only is it hurting you but it's hurting me as well" she's such a great girl. such a beautiful person, inside and out.... she's great really...
maybe a few of you know who and what I'm talking about.
I don't know what to say what to do ... but I am being honest when i say I love her and only want to see good things for her. all this wishing... it does nothing... she can't even read this... and didn't believe me when I told her.
she is the cutest girl I've ever met though... and I'm not talking about physically... well I am but not just physically.
anyhow that's not the point.. well it is... the point is I care about her.
she told me about something... she's been doing... something bad, dangerous... harmful involving substances.. bad substances... I'm not talking cigarettes or weed... worse things. much worse...
I want to tell her to stop I wish I could give her some valid reason to stop... other than "not only is it hurting you but it's hurting me as well" she's such a great girl. such a beautiful person, inside and out.... she's great really...
maybe a few of you know who and what I'm talking about.
I don't know what to say what to do ... but I am being honest when i say I love her and only want to see good things for her. all this wishing... it does nothing... she can't even read this... and didn't believe me when I told her.
she is the cutest girl I've ever met though... and I'm not talking about physically... well I am but not just physically.

i would like to tell them to stop and do, however you can't tell people what to do and expect them to listen to you willy nilly.
unfortunately with stuff like this, people have to learn the hard way and won't take good advice for what it's worth.
i think the only thing you can really do is be there. but even that can be trying.
best of luck, baby.