ok so check out what a dumbass i am:
so those of you who live in miami know that parking on the beach fucking SUCKS. there's never any parking, and sometimes you have to resort to illegal measures. which often means getting a ticket and/or being towed.
those of you who know me, know that i'm lazy and i don't care and i do shit anyways. i create my own parking spaces. i also have had an expired tag since october of last year
because of this, i have acquired many tickets. many many MANY tickets.
yesterday, i went to move my car, and i discovered that my car was not there. dun dun dun dun. i called beach towing. yes, my car was there. no, i couldn't get it today because i would need to pay $605 at the courthouse and that was closed.
so yeah, i was stuck at work. no car. and i couldn't get home. rob wanted to come down and save me, but i wouldnt let him cuz it was too far for him to drive and too much of a mission. so my best friend steve came to save my life.
this morning i spent $750 to get my car back. that's half of the money i had for deposit on an apartment. that sucks. but whatever. it's my own fault and i guess i deserve it for thinking i could beat the system.
what does my mom say? she laughs. she said she wished on me so that i would learn my lesson. the bitch! where is the love mommy???? haha!
but everything's all good now. and it feels nice to drive around legally now. it's also nice to drive and not have to avoid cops. i feel better now.
learn your lesson from me, kids: don't drive around with an expired tag for 5 months, and pay yr damn parking tickets or the city of miami beach will tow yr car!
so those of you who live in miami know that parking on the beach fucking SUCKS. there's never any parking, and sometimes you have to resort to illegal measures. which often means getting a ticket and/or being towed.
those of you who know me, know that i'm lazy and i don't care and i do shit anyways. i create my own parking spaces. i also have had an expired tag since october of last year

yesterday, i went to move my car, and i discovered that my car was not there. dun dun dun dun. i called beach towing. yes, my car was there. no, i couldn't get it today because i would need to pay $605 at the courthouse and that was closed.
so yeah, i was stuck at work. no car. and i couldn't get home. rob wanted to come down and save me, but i wouldnt let him cuz it was too far for him to drive and too much of a mission. so my best friend steve came to save my life.
this morning i spent $750 to get my car back. that's half of the money i had for deposit on an apartment. that sucks. but whatever. it's my own fault and i guess i deserve it for thinking i could beat the system.
what does my mom say? she laughs. she said she wished on me so that i would learn my lesson. the bitch! where is the love mommy???? haha!
but everything's all good now. and it feels nice to drive around legally now. it's also nice to drive and not have to avoid cops. i feel better now.
learn your lesson from me, kids: don't drive around with an expired tag for 5 months, and pay yr damn parking tickets or the city of miami beach will tow yr car!