home, sweet....something.
so today i was productive and actually looked for a place to live. saw a studio. very cute building. very cute everything. very inexpensive. but i have wayyyyy too much shit for a studio. so, onward christian soldiers. my exboyfriend's apartment is for rent! i would totally live there, but we would need roommates....and we don't have ppl to live with...but damn, that place is dope.
i think i'm way too into american idol. i get excited to watch. i love it. i'ts sick. it's the future of pop music. it's the future of pop culture. it's the future of america. it's bad. it's real bad. but.....if the future of american pop culture has anything to do with ruben singing 'superstar' for the rest of my life...i'm on it. like fucking white on rice.
baxter is mad at me. he smells the two other cats i was babysitting and he is not well about the situation. we made out, and i thought everything was fine. but then he smelled my bag, and he knew i was cheating on him. smart cat. i gave him lots of treats and lots of scratchies...hopefully he'll get over it.
today, i am happy. it has *nothing* to do with the fact that i'm about to start my 3rd glass of wine. nothing whatsoever. today, life is good. today, life is just where i need it to be. hallefuckinglujah.
so today i was productive and actually looked for a place to live. saw a studio. very cute building. very cute everything. very inexpensive. but i have wayyyyy too much shit for a studio. so, onward christian soldiers. my exboyfriend's apartment is for rent! i would totally live there, but we would need roommates....and we don't have ppl to live with...but damn, that place is dope.
i think i'm way too into american idol. i get excited to watch. i love it. i'ts sick. it's the future of pop music. it's the future of pop culture. it's the future of america. it's bad. it's real bad. but.....if the future of american pop culture has anything to do with ruben singing 'superstar' for the rest of my life...i'm on it. like fucking white on rice.
baxter is mad at me. he smells the two other cats i was babysitting and he is not well about the situation. we made out, and i thought everything was fine. but then he smelled my bag, and he knew i was cheating on him. smart cat. i gave him lots of treats and lots of scratchies...hopefully he'll get over it.
today, i am happy. it has *nothing* to do with the fact that i'm about to start my 3rd glass of wine. nothing whatsoever. today, life is good. today, life is just where i need it to be. hallefuckinglujah.

The manager is this little old eastern European woman with pink hair, paint-spattered cutoff Ben Davis coveralls, and platforms...
you'll find one. go with the cranberry juice and save money on wine.