Well things have 180'd since my last post,
sorry i haven't been on here much over the past month....well not all
not that anyone on here would have noticed but i have been made perm at work [no more temp-ness for me!]
been out alot and gigging much too and plenty more comming up,
and stacey has been taking up the rest of much time [not that i'm complaining]
Well i'll leave it there for now,
enjoy your weekends people
sorry i haven't been on here much over the past month....well not all

not that anyone on here would have noticed but i have been made perm at work [no more temp-ness for me!]
been out alot and gigging much too and plenty more comming up,
and stacey has been taking up the rest of much time [not that i'm complaining]
Well i'll leave it there for now,
enjoy your weekends people