Well i'm in a happy place at last
and i've learnt something....only Sagittarius girls fancy me!
My first [the girl that fucked me up] lou was born on november 30th
the second backstabing, 2 faced lou was born on november 27th
the third really nice but too many problems and could be in the big brother house leah was born on november 29th
and finally my current, yes thats right i have a girlfriend now, was born........november 30th
...why won't they leave me alone dammit,
although she is as cute as a button
anyway i'm feeling ok about myself,
works still fucking sucking!
but i'm hopein thats gonna change soon,
and i have tickets for
on my birthday, may 30th, at camden underworld...yay

and i've learnt something....only Sagittarius girls fancy me!
My first [the girl that fucked me up] lou was born on november 30th
the second backstabing, 2 faced lou was born on november 27th
the third really nice but too many problems and could be in the big brother house leah was born on november 29th
and finally my current, yes thats right i have a girlfriend now, was born........november 30th
...why won't they leave me alone dammit,
although she is as cute as a button

anyway i'm feeling ok about myself,
works still fucking sucking!
but i'm hopein thats gonna change soon,
and i have tickets for
on my birthday, may 30th, at camden underworld...yay