wow i haven't been on here since july
i have so much to fill you in on,
-v fest was great, many great memories!
-lostprophets were cool as always
-reading was fucking fantasic, and nin won everyone over...well done trent
-paramore was cool
-i survived getting a redundancy again and may be up for a new role and more money...yay
-me and stacey are...
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wow i haven't been on here since july

i have so much to fill you in on,
-v fest was great, many great memories!
-lostprophets were cool as always
-reading was fucking fantasic, and nin won everyone over...well done trent

-paramore was cool
-i survived getting a redundancy again and may be up for a new role and more money...yay
-me and stacey are...
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Well it's been over a month but i thought i would update you all on "my life"
Not much has changed since my last post other then i'm off for 3 weeks to listen to some good live music!
This weekend is V Festival,
then Lostprophets at the Astoria,
Then Reading Festival,
Followed by Nine Inch Nails,
next comes my school mates kids Christening,
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Not much has changed since my last post other then i'm off for 3 weeks to listen to some good live music!
This weekend is V Festival,
then Lostprophets at the Astoria,
Then Reading Festival,
Followed by Nine Inch Nails,
next comes my school mates kids Christening,
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Well things have 180'd since my last post,
sorry i haven't been on here much over the past month....well not all
not that anyone on here would have noticed but i have been made perm at work [no more temp-ness for me!]
been out alot and gigging much too and plenty more comming up,
and stacey has been taking up the rest of much time...
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sorry i haven't been on here much over the past month....well not all

not that anyone on here would have noticed but i have been made perm at work [no more temp-ness for me!]
been out alot and gigging much too and plenty more comming up,
and stacey has been taking up the rest of much time...
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Well i'm in a happy place at last
and i've learnt something....only Sagittarius girls fancy me!
My first [the girl that fucked me up] lou was born on november 30th
the second backstabing, 2 faced lou was born on november 27th
the third really nice but too many problems and could be in the big brother house leah was born on november 29th...
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and i've learnt something....only Sagittarius girls fancy me!
My first [the girl that fucked me up] lou was born on november 30th
the second backstabing, 2 faced lou was born on november 27th
the third really nice but too many problems and could be in the big brother house leah was born on november 29th...
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Ok life's still bending me over,
debt is the new problem this week!
people at work just aren't trying with me, even though there are people there saying i'm doing a great job there are still the few i have to work with that don't wanna give me the time of day.
family are just pissing me off,
given me guilt trips when i haven't...
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debt is the new problem this week!
people at work just aren't trying with me, even though there are people there saying i'm doing a great job there are still the few i have to work with that don't wanna give me the time of day.
family are just pissing me off,
given me guilt trips when i haven't...
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i fucking give up,
what fucking chance do i really have with anyone!
every girl i have feelings for or ever like is either with someone all finds someone before i even get a chance to know them!
and my life has become so pathetic, i can't even go to my local shops cos "she" works there [shouldn't have got her that job...
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i fucking give up,
what fucking chance do i really have with anyone!
every girl i have feelings for or ever like is either with someone all finds someone before i even get a chance to know them!
and my life has become so pathetic, i can't even go to my local shops cos "she" works there [shouldn't have got her that job...
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...just when i thought it couldn't get any worse!
My mum and granparents won't speak to me now,
cos i don't feel sorry for my mum, why the hell should i?
She got dumped, which isn't every nice, and has been moaning about killing herself if we weren't here [that makes us feel great] but then i think, SHE CHEATED ON MY DAD AND KICKED...
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My mum and granparents won't speak to me now,
cos i don't feel sorry for my mum, why the hell should i?
She got dumped, which isn't every nice, and has been moaning about killing herself if we weren't here [that makes us feel great] but then i think, SHE CHEATED ON MY DAD AND KICKED...
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I have no idea whats wrong with me now,
i'm beginning to get depressed too fucking often, and it's not the normal feeling sorry for myself stuff, i really don't wanna be here!
I'm getting to the stage where all i want is to be left alone and live out my life in some shitty flat in a dead end job...and i'm looking forward to...
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i'm beginning to get depressed too fucking often, and it's not the normal feeling sorry for myself stuff, i really don't wanna be here!
I'm getting to the stage where all i want is to be left alone and live out my life in some shitty flat in a dead end job...and i'm looking forward to...
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awh, that sounds so sad! I can relate to wanting to go back to a time before everything started getting complicated, before people changed you and eroded you into something different than you were before. If it helps, you can pick yourself back up, and things will be okay.
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon!
dont forget me. if you need a chat/drinking buddie, i'll be there. EVEN if i need to go to the portrait to do it. Everyone has someone like this in their life. but J, you really need to get over this. I'm worrying for you xxx
dont forget me. if you need a chat/drinking buddie, i'll be there. EVEN if i need to go to the portrait to do it. Everyone has someone like this in their life. but J, you really need to get over this. I'm worrying for you xxx
well i'm starting to think the people at work don't like me.
Had my first meeting this week and was told that every tuesday and wednesday i had to go somewhere else that they always bitch about to do there work...but i'm still a temp!
I really don't think there gonna hire me...but i can't leave, i need a job
Life right now is really...
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Had my first meeting this week and was told that every tuesday and wednesday i had to go somewhere else that they always bitch about to do there work...but i'm still a temp!
I really don't think there gonna hire me...but i can't leave, i need a job

Life right now is really...
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Hey, don't be sad
Here's a little youtube present

Here's a little youtube present
you should easy up pon yourself hun, only makes things worse most the time.
...why has everything changed on here,
my comp now takes ages to load the pages
thats not good
my comp now takes ages to load the pages

thats not good
no they're all in that gay place called fox and firkin which i used to ADORE ill they ruined it.
I'll be back home next weekend in which you will possibly see me in you lil pub! x