Professional photographers will charge a lot, I can see your point that the cost vs reward probably doesn't stack up. Probably a good question to pose to the hopefuls group if it hasn't been raised before. Who shoots your sets now? If it's self shot then maybe the addition of a person behind the lens is all it takes?
Thankyou all for the lovely comments
I definately want to improve on my pictures,
Im a perfectionist, and once Id sent through this set, I looked back with regret, and thought damn not my best work at ALL!
hoping I can fix some problems up in my life and sort out a much better set.
Life continues to confuse me, beat me, tease me, & continue to try & destroy me.
Ive never felt so homesick in my life.
I currently fight a battle between my head & my heart, both which believe different things, which are both screaming at me, "do this!, this is what you WANT TO DO"! "THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO".
I say... Read More
In situations like yours, listen to your intellectual side. Let your mind rule your heart.
I did like your set, you are quite lovely. There are some good comments, I am sure. Most people here will try to be helpful, they are not being mean or trying to make you sad. They just want to advise you on how to shoot a better set so you can go pink.