I noticed that I seem to favour a Tuesday blog, so, lets keep up with the pattern, shall we?
So I offcially am now homeless. Well not at the current moment, thanks mom and dad! Pacie decided to get back together with her x-bf and they are moving in together in short order, which means my room at her place is no longer. So, now... Read More
I have been in love with Zooey Dechanel since first seeing her in Elf. My love has now grown even larger since I found out she sings!!! I have been listening to this song on repeat for days. I'm going to try and convince my friend Jesse Reid to learn how to play it and let me sing it at one of his next shows...... Read More
Going back a few of your journals......
So you're in your dirty thirties now and you still live in your home home
Same with me....
The grass always look greener on the other side but lets count our blessings and make plans for world domination. You start in the Americas and me in Europe
Well slowly but surely all of things are being moved over to Pacie's. I have boxes to be unpacked in my new bedroom, and boxes still to pack at the house. Still deciding which kitchen stuff I want to take and trying to get my tv back from someone, but that's not really working out so well. Me and she have lots of plans to... Read More
well u know a couple weeks ago i was pretty sad and lonely and all that crappy feelings one get from time to time, buit from one day to another it all changed... so maybe ull experience that too who knows =)
So two blood tests, several vaccinations ( another to come ) and 500$ later, my poor little boy has lyme disease... Waiting for one more test result to find out if I need to give him a month of antibiotics on top of all that. He's not showing any symptoms ( thank God! ) but untreated could eventully and painfully kill him... It always seems... Read More
ah poor little puppy, I hate to hear that the little guy is going thru so much hardship, Im glad he isnt in any pain yet, I hope he gets better really soon.
well I hope the move goes well, I hope you can find the money to make it happen. How far away from your place your at now will you be moving.
So I gave someone the address to my blog, and almost immediatly afterwards I got a twinge of panic! Why is it that I can blog away so carefree and look forward to all you fabulous people to come and peer into my life, but the minute there's a chance that someone you know in 'real life' (haha) is the one doing the peering, terror... Read More
So I'm 30 now, woopdie-do! My actual birthday was pretty crap, woke up sick, that girl jammed herself into her sports bra faster than I could blink, my parents were in Cuba, my brother forgot to call me, and my BFF worked till 9. We went out for nachos when she got off work and I came home and barfed them up. Salsa and sour... Read More
I just spent the last hour reading some of my oldest posts, some good laughs for sure, and some shit I cannot remember what the fuck I'm even talking about. (and it wasn't even that long ago, wow) Have any of you guys ever gone back to your first year on here to read your old blogs? It has made me realize a few things...... Read More
Im really sorry to hear that about you and the mister, is there a reason things didnt work out?
Well I understand, if sailing everything will get you out of debt then that is a good thing. So you also own places that you rent out? That is pretty cool, I think I all ready told you my step dad buys and sales houses for a living, he also has some places that he rents out.
Well boys and girls I am back! Still a broke ass BUT, couldn't resist the half price offer... So maybe I'll eat Mr. Noodles for a couple weeks, you people are worth it!
Hope New Years was a blast for all. I got ditched by my BFF so she could hang with her new bf, who is also my x-bf, anyone confused yet? Turned out... Read More
I'm so sorry, that is so sad, I know what it is like to lose a pet and I know how bad it hurts, I know there is nothing any one can say to make you feel better, it just takes time to heal wounds this deep.
How are you and your dobey pup?
I like weimeramers.
They look classy in grey.