Hey guys hope your all doing well, today's been a good and bad day :/. Good in the sense i'm with my friends in the mountains getting ready to snow board in the morning, bad because my bunny has a skin infection
, he had an appointment today and they ran a swab, they said its either cancer or some sort of bacterial infection he picked up outside since its not mites or ring worm and he lives in a really clean environment . Very sad about this and hoping for the best he is only 4 so I would be heart broken
Sorry about the blah news, writing things down always helps me. My boyfriend and friends are out night sledding but staying in and just calming my mind with some reading seemed like a much better choice for me at the moment. In some lighter news here are some pictures from my adventure at the Queen Mary. Hope you like them.
xoxoxo Haydin
Champagne Brunch
Buffet Style
one of my best friends <3
playing with the new cam
messing around with a neat light that makes reflections, my friend made it
serenity <3

Sorry about the blah news, writing things down always helps me. My boyfriend and friends are out night sledding but staying in and just calming my mind with some reading seemed like a much better choice for me at the moment. In some lighter news here are some pictures from my adventure at the Queen Mary. Hope you like them.
xoxoxo Haydin

Champagne Brunch

Buffet Style

one of my best friends <3

playing with the new cam

messing around with a neat light that makes reflections, my friend made it

serenity <3

Hope your bunny is OK.
I wanna going snowboarding! I hope all is well!