Well Hello 2011! New years was fantastic, got to spend the night bringing in the New Year with my boyfriend and some of my closest friends at TAO. I honestly could not have asked for a better night. Celebrating with people you love unconditionally and fully trust is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.
I've decided as far as resolutions go to fulfill more of my artsy side a little more. I think if anything was missing from 2010 this would have to be it. I'm ffinnnaallly taking a digital photography class which I've wanted to do for year and I plan on working on more short stories/ poems....bits and bobs of writing. That sort of thing
. What are your new years resolutions haha or funny failed attempts from 2010? Stories??
On a side note some hilarious highlights from last night....as you can imagine when you put more than 20,000 ravers in a building there are bound to be some crazy antics.
1. Girl running into the bathroom screaming, crashing into a mirror then taking a swing at her friend and some how managing to punch herself in the face while drooling on herself and not making any sense what so ever...mind you this was around 9:30pm...I don't think she had her eyes open for the count down at mid night lol.
2. All the fabulous rolled out 40 year old asian e-tards getting down to afro jack
3. Girl running face first into a porta potty door
4. The guy that argued with me about me having tattoos because he swore I was 16.....TAO was 18 + and im pretty sure i know my age lol he was off by 6 years.
5. The girl that ran up to me claiming she lost and gingerbread man and if i had seen him running around
Yeah....crazy fun night gotta love the colorful outfits and friendly nature of those who still trade kandy.
Well happy 2011 and PLUR to all the ravers out there
Love, Haydin

^ costume
Pics from TAO =D

I've decided as far as resolutions go to fulfill more of my artsy side a little more. I think if anything was missing from 2010 this would have to be it. I'm ffinnnaallly taking a digital photography class which I've wanted to do for year and I plan on working on more short stories/ poems....bits and bobs of writing. That sort of thing

On a side note some hilarious highlights from last night....as you can imagine when you put more than 20,000 ravers in a building there are bound to be some crazy antics.
1. Girl running into the bathroom screaming, crashing into a mirror then taking a swing at her friend and some how managing to punch herself in the face while drooling on herself and not making any sense what so ever...mind you this was around 9:30pm...I don't think she had her eyes open for the count down at mid night lol.
2. All the fabulous rolled out 40 year old asian e-tards getting down to afro jack
3. Girl running face first into a porta potty door
4. The guy that argued with me about me having tattoos because he swore I was 16.....TAO was 18 + and im pretty sure i know my age lol he was off by 6 years.
5. The girl that ran up to me claiming she lost and gingerbread man and if i had seen him running around
Yeah....crazy fun night gotta love the colorful outfits and friendly nature of those who still trade kandy.
Well happy 2011 and PLUR to all the ravers out there

Love, Haydin

^ costume

Pics from TAO =D

I'm sure you stood out as an exception among the crowd.
such a lovely sight to bring in the new years