Hello!! Well Winter Break has officially been kicked off!! Tomorrow I take off to Chicago to shoot with WriteBoy !! Then the weekend after I'll be taking off to Joshua Tree to shoot some portfolio work with the amazing miss Lorelei and Bitten Very excited to see both of these beautiful ladies <3.
Weeeelllll I am VERY excited to let all of you know the set I shot in AZ with Alissa goes up for member review January 29th. I'll be sure to post a sneak peak as the date draws near.
Hope your holiday shopping hasn't been to stressful and hope your all enjoying the fall weather. Much love <3
xoxo Haydin
Weeeelllll I am VERY excited to let all of you know the set I shot in AZ with Alissa goes up for member review January 29th. I'll be sure to post a sneak peak as the date draws near.
Hope your holiday shopping hasn't been to stressful and hope your all enjoying the fall weather. Much love <3
xoxo Haydin

Have a fun shoot.