hey guys
sooo im looking for a photographer who is either going to be or is located in southern california or somewhere within a few hours or so I want to start collecting some portfolio shots because this is the only modeling ive ever done and i think it would fun to start some sort of portfolio
Please message me or post on here, also does anyone know anything about zivity? are you allowed to submit sets on there and here? I was kind of interested in submitting a set there
. any info would be great thhannkk you!!!

Please message me or post on here, also does anyone know anything about zivity? are you allowed to submit sets on there and here? I was kind of interested in submitting a set there

I've learned that while I can never truly trust the path my heart is leading me down, my head is normally a fair, if fickle, navigator.
A Stage 3 Navigator, actuAlly.