I met... this rilly rilly awesome guy. and i rilly rilly rilly like him but i dont want to freak him out.
Matt finally stopped being a fag and now he wants to hang out all the time but...
He already blew his chances with me. meh. maybe ill blow him off tomorrow like hes been doing to me the last couple of months. stupid boys.
I got a new tattoo yesterday. I got a pink star on the side of my right foot with like blue in the corners. its cute. i love it. got my nails done too. theyre bad ass.

Matt finally stopped being a fag and now he wants to hang out all the time but...
He already blew his chances with me. meh. maybe ill blow him off tomorrow like hes been doing to me the last couple of months. stupid boys.
I got a new tattoo yesterday. I got a pink star on the side of my right foot with like blue in the corners. its cute. i love it. got my nails done too. theyre bad ass.

rawr indeed.