I feel so dead. I can't explain it.
I'm so sick of people.
...it started with my mom.
I'm at my friend Clint's house.
My Mom said something insinuating that we have sex
and, I don't know. It just pissed me off.
Clint's one of my best friends. I've known him for two years.
Sex ruins everything. I wouldn't do anything with Clint.
We hang out, watch movies and play Grand Theft Auto.
He's my homie. We don't have sex. I couldn't.. idk.
He's asleep right now so I jacked his computer. lol
So then... There was this guy I was dating before I moved to AZ
before i got back with my ex and everything.
He asked me when the last time I did anything was or something
and I was like... you don't remember?
and he's like.. you don't sleep with anyone else?
like it was shocking.
Fuck him.
I hate sex. i fucking hate it.
I want to go home.
I want to see Stephanie.
I don't.... care anymore.
I'm so sick of people.
...it started with my mom.
I'm at my friend Clint's house.
My Mom said something insinuating that we have sex
and, I don't know. It just pissed me off.
Clint's one of my best friends. I've known him for two years.
Sex ruins everything. I wouldn't do anything with Clint.
We hang out, watch movies and play Grand Theft Auto.
He's my homie. We don't have sex. I couldn't.. idk.
He's asleep right now so I jacked his computer. lol
So then... There was this guy I was dating before I moved to AZ
before i got back with my ex and everything.
He asked me when the last time I did anything was or something
and I was like... you don't remember?
and he's like.. you don't sleep with anyone else?
like it was shocking.
Fuck him.
I hate sex. i fucking hate it.
I want to go home.
I want to see Stephanie.
I don't.... care anymore.
It's not the sex that ruins things, it's the people who can't take it as what it is!
Because as good as it might be, it's not such a big deal... Try to enjoy it, sweetie!
As long as your Mum's not menopausic, everything's ok.
I survived my mother and her menopause. But I still have nightmares, you know?
Don't get me wrong. Sex is awesome but it has to be on your terms. You should do what makes you feel the happiest and the most comfortable. Be true to yourself.
Don't feel dead. Feel alive! I hope you feel better.