My sister, Audrey, is driving me crazy.
She's a sophomore. She goes to an alternative school cuz she flunked out last year and barely passed Summer school. She doesn't get any homework usually but today they asked her to write a 5-paragraph essay. How hard is that? When I was in highschool our essays were two pages minimum.
She asked for help writing it and, of course, I had no problem because I want her to succeed. She didn't want help. She wanted me to write it for her. The paper was 'Who has Influenced you the Most?' and she said our Dad so I wrote up a kind of outline with questions and suggestions on what she could write. All she had to do was describe some examples of times he'd influenced her and put them in her own words. I really broke it down for her. An elementary student could have written this paper; Not Audrey.
She completely copied a paragraph I'd given her as an expample and told me she didn't know what to write for the rest, then she went to bed. Saying I'm pissed off doesn't even began to cover it. Part of me wants to write it for her so she can turn it in tomorrow and get a passing grade and part me of wants to say, "Well fuck you. Have fun getting into college." WHAT SHOULD I DO? Ah. *lol*
<3 Ashley
She's a sophomore. She goes to an alternative school cuz she flunked out last year and barely passed Summer school. She doesn't get any homework usually but today they asked her to write a 5-paragraph essay. How hard is that? When I was in highschool our essays were two pages minimum.
She asked for help writing it and, of course, I had no problem because I want her to succeed. She didn't want help. She wanted me to write it for her. The paper was 'Who has Influenced you the Most?' and she said our Dad so I wrote up a kind of outline with questions and suggestions on what she could write. All she had to do was describe some examples of times he'd influenced her and put them in her own words. I really broke it down for her. An elementary student could have written this paper; Not Audrey.
She completely copied a paragraph I'd given her as an expample and told me she didn't know what to write for the rest, then she went to bed. Saying I'm pissed off doesn't even began to cover it. Part of me wants to write it for her so she can turn it in tomorrow and get a passing grade and part me of wants to say, "Well fuck you. Have fun getting into college." WHAT SHOULD I DO? Ah. *lol*
<3 Ashley
Robert Smith was an amazing man. Not only was he my father, but he was a hero to the entire nation of India. Born in New York in 1915, Robert grew up in a hostile environment. An orphan from the age of 10, he quickly learded how to survive on the mean streets of Brooklyn. During the height of the Great Depression, Robert was known for picking the pockets of the destitute people waiting in the soup lines.
Following his arrest for burglary, Robert was given a choice, life in prison at Riker's Island or enlisting in the Royal British Army. The reasons behind his enlistment in a foreign army as opposed to the United States Army are not important. Needless to say, Robert chose a life in the line of fire.
Following his basic training, Robert was deployed to the farthest corners of the British Empire. Serving in locations such as Jamaica, Hong Kong, and India, he distinguished himself in battle numerous times and was quickly promoted. During his assignment in India, Robert would complete several key missions and would rise to become a hero to the people of that great nation.
Following his time in the Army, Robert returned to the United States and settled into a life of ease. Upon leaving the Army, he stopped at a convenience store in Kalamazoo, Michigan and bought a winning lottery ticket. Deciding that $27 million was not something he needed to make his life complete, Robert gave it all away and took the female clerk that sold him the ticket as his wife instead.
At the ripe old age of 73, Robert became my father. He soon moved my family to Idaho to become potato farmers. To this day, he still wakes up at 3 AM each day to inspect his potato crop to ensure he is growing only the finest Russet potatoes in Idaho. For these reasons, Robert Smith is my hero.
I would write something like that. What do you think?