I just got home from work! I was happy when I went to work but I did not have a good time closing tonight.

I dropped over $100 in coins all over the floor at UScan
and while I was picking up dimes these two stupid kids dropped an entire gallon of milk all over the floor.
Cleaning up milk, change and helping four customers...
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picking up change is the worst. puke
Last night was officially the dumbest fight I've ever had.
Bf was talking about perfume or something and I said the smell of axe makes me wanna jump guys.
So he called me a slut.

I'm still trying to figure out what I did.
Needless to say, I'm no longer dating a guy that calls me names for no reason...

<3 Ashley
damn you axe! *fist in the air*...sorry to hear that
Richard from work bought me a ginormous caramel frappaccino thingy from Starbucks and made my night.

<3 Ashley
Step. On. Me.
I found this today. it made me really sad.

you win.
I cared.
too much.

I realized today.
how our whole lives we spend our time searching.
searching for what we think will make us happy.
but when we strive and struggle to get to the thing that is supposed to make us happy.
it never does.
it's never what you expect....
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azkicker00 is my crackwhore. and i love lunchables.

<3 Ashley
There is not enough IB Profun in the world to ease my pain.
(lol jk that just sounded funny)

My xbf is coming to visit me next week.
I don't know what the hell I'm doing talking to him anymore but now he's coming here for a couple days... I'm so stupid sometimes. lol

He said his gf doesn't care that he's coming to visit...
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I had missed some payments on my student loans last year because I couldn't pay when my Dad kicked me out. Today I called them to set up a payment plan to take care of the amount past due. This chick asked me why I hadn't paid and I gave her a shorter version of the really, really long story of moving out last year...
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I wish my bill people were nice to me... then again I haven't even attempted to pay themin like... A year... Meh.
I'm glad it's working out, student loans suck.
Awesome stuff. Just goes to show there are some nice people out there, not alot, but some. Wish she answered my call to setup a payment on one of my old medical bills lmao.
haha...I also have too much time on my hands...
yeah i can see it....
So I've decided that Lunchable's Pizza is amazing and I prefer them over men.
Boys are lame. I was supposed to hang out with this guy this week.
...and then he tells me something to the effect of
I'm scared of driving and I love Nampa so we have to hang out in Nampa.

Aha.Ha. Ha. YeAh. Needless to say... I am NOT going to...
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hahaha, so cute. love that ridiculously cheap lunch foods. used to dig em when i was a kid. now I am allergic to basically all of them. woot food allergies. and yeah, there are totally better tasting pizzas out there, but there's just something delightful and extra yummy about food in miniature, and cheap pasta and pizza sauce sometimes is just what is needed to hit the spot. so, adorable.

enjoy your pizza love, and better luck with silly boys. oh the things they do. (and yea I know girls do pretty ridiculous stuff, too.) biggrin
There's no shame in loving lunchabes. In fact... I made a blackend chicken sandwich tonight for dinner, and if lunchables are anything like that (I've never eaten lunchables... but if you are in love with them, then I can only IMAGINE how delicious they are) you should love them with all of the love in your heart.
Always and forever.
My sister, Audrey, is driving me crazy.

She's a sophomore. She goes to an alternative school cuz she flunked out last year and barely passed Summer school. She doesn't get any homework usually but today they asked her to write a 5-paragraph essay. How hard is that? When I was in highschool our essays were two pages minimum.

She asked for help writing it and,...
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I'll write it for her, but I only write fiction. It will be a VERY interesting story, but I'm not sure it would be 100% believeable.In college, I could BS a paper like no other. Even though I didn't really care for the classes, they seemed to be fairly easy. I might do something like this...

Robert Smith was an amazing man. Not only was he my father, but he was a hero to the entire nation of India. Born in New York in 1915, Robert grew up in a hostile environment. An orphan from the age of 10, he quickly learded how to survive on the mean streets of Brooklyn. During the height of the Great Depression, Robert was known for picking the pockets of the destitute people waiting in the soup lines.

Following his arrest for burglary, Robert was given a choice, life in prison at Riker's Island or enlisting in the Royal British Army. The reasons behind his enlistment in a foreign army as opposed to the United States Army are not important. Needless to say, Robert chose a life in the line of fire.

Following his basic training, Robert was deployed to the farthest corners of the British Empire. Serving in locations such as Jamaica, Hong Kong, and India, he distinguished himself in battle numerous times and was quickly promoted. During his assignment in India, Robert would complete several key missions and would rise to become a hero to the people of that great nation.

Following his time in the Army, Robert returned to the United States and settled into a life of ease. Upon leaving the Army, he stopped at a convenience store in Kalamazoo, Michigan and bought a winning lottery ticket. Deciding that $27 million was not something he needed to make his life complete, Robert gave it all away and took the female clerk that sold him the ticket as his wife instead.

At the ripe old age of 73, Robert became my father. He soon moved my family to Idaho to become potato farmers. To this day, he still wakes up at 3 AM each day to inspect his potato crop to ensure he is growing only the finest Russet potatoes in Idaho. For these reasons, Robert Smith is my hero.

I would write something like that. What do you think?
1. sucks to be your sister D: 2. dont write it for her, Keep trying to help her, but not do it for her. For she will never learn anything.