so i've decided to go back to school as soon as possible and start working on my MBA. the sooner im done with that the sooner i can persue my goal of global domination. i'll start by taking over the south, it shouldn't be that hard
im also planning a trip to CALI. as a graduation gift to myself and im very excited to go and see all my friends and family. i think i'll eventually move out there but for now im happy in jacksonville. thats right DOOOOO-VALLLLLLLL is da shizz-nit.
hope everyone has a nice weekend
Song: Method Man f/ Mary J. Blige - "All I Need"

hope everyone has a nice weekend

Song: Method Man f/ Mary J. Blige - "All I Need"
.....such a sweet boy......

all is doing well here. That's awesome you're going back to school. I've really got to get my ass in gear and go back. Hope all is going good for you. Have fun in Cali when you go.