ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! this has probably been one of the most hectic weeks in my life with exams, graduating and moving. Graduation was boring as hell but moving was crzy as shit. I had to rent a 24 ft. UHAUL truck which is probably the hardest god damn to drive. not only that at one point in my drive to jacksonville some redneck was in an 18-wheeler was riding my tail and i had to brake suddenly because of some accident ahead me and the asshole behind me wasn't paying attention and narrowly avoided rear-ending me and had to veer of to the side into the median at which point he turned his steering wheel to sharply and flipped the semi on its side. FUCKIN CRAZY! The moral of this story is: rednecks can't drive. Anyways i'm offiicially back in jacksonville and i couldn't be happier. i need a job though, finding a shugga momma is going to be harder than expected, i think i'll go up to san marco and hit on some older rich ladies. EXXXX-CELLENT
song: De-La-Soul f. Chaka Khan - "ALL GOOD"
Hope all is well

song: De-La-Soul f. Chaka Khan - "ALL GOOD"
Hope all is well

Congrats you grad you.
Good luck to ya in finding the shugga momma.
good luck finding a job! i'd wait til summers over if i was you! you'd get to enjoy summer and there'll be plenty of jobs when all the kids go back to school!