"Existentialism on Prom Night" - Straylight Run http://www.myspace.com/straylightrun (It is a song you can play there)
When the sun came up,
We we're sleeping in,
Sunk inside our blankets,
Sprawled across the bed,
And we we're dreaming,
There are moments when,
When I know it and
The world revolves around us,
And we're keeping it,
Keeping it all going,
This delicate balance,
Vulnerable all knowing,...
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When the sun came up,
We we're sleeping in,
Sunk inside our blankets,
Sprawled across the bed,
And we we're dreaming,
There are moments when,
When I know it and
The world revolves around us,
And we're keeping it,
Keeping it all going,
This delicate balance,
Vulnerable all knowing,...
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yer kinda hot >.<
The song stuck in my head right now:
Inamere - Gone for Good ( http://www.myspace.com/inamere )
Your mouth is like a river
And the lies just pour out
And I'll just say that everything
Will never work now
I've been drinking way too long
Waiting by the phone
And you haven't called
So I'm a wreck
And it's all just for you
And I'm pulling...
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Inamere - Gone for Good ( http://www.myspace.com/inamere )
Your mouth is like a river
And the lies just pour out
And I'll just say that everything
Will never work now
I've been drinking way too long
Waiting by the phone
And you haven't called
So I'm a wreck
And it's all just for you
And I'm pulling...
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Finally the weather is nice! Time to go out and soak in some sun!

amen to that!
So, after I start a small company rolling and get a bit of income I stumble onto a full time job that pays more than I have ever made before...
Wierd how that works huh?
Wierd how that works huh?
So, Happy New Year...
Just happy that last one which was so crappy is done.
Maybe this one will be better...
Just happy that last one which was so crappy is done.
Maybe this one will be better...
you said "Wow..."
ZOMG it's YOU!!! How are ya?
So, that update about the new girl will never come.
She had to go to out of state this weekend to work at a new store the company she works for had opened up since they were very light on staff for the holidays. She has a kinda old/bad car and I was worried about it making the trip, but she said that her and...
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She had to go to out of state this weekend to work at a new store the company she works for had opened up since they were very light on staff for the holidays. She has a kinda old/bad car and I was worried about it making the trip, but she said that her and...
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that sucks. that sucks more than one person ever deserves at once. you ok?
Anyways, It starts with basically being happy a few years ago with a girl and then get left, but dragged along. Honestly it was definately best thing overall to have it end, but it hurt me bad. Basically the best way to describe it and my reaction is in a Senses Fail song.
"Every Day Is A Struggle"
I was the chapstick in your purse,...
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"Every Day Is A Struggle"
I was the chapstick in your purse,...
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I feel you..I'm sttarting over as well!
the police officer showed up right as i was leaving for work. i told him i'd tried to work it out with the guys repeatedly over the summer, and every time i talked to them it just wasn't worth it. then i left... apparently, when the officer spoke with the guys downstairs, the guys told him they had asked the landlord if they could insulate the wall that so much noise comes through, and the landlord has not let them. at least they've been quieter the past couple nights... i heard some construction going on yesterday during the day, so maybe they were finally getting that insulation up. <prays>
Well fuck... I did have a good day, but missed out on the one thing I really really wanted to go do. No SG show. I missed seeing everyone and am kinda pissed. I HATE ALLERGIES!
Anyways, more to come later. I have had a ton of crap happen recently and it needs to all be written!
Anyways, more to come later. I have had a ton of crap happen recently and it needs to all be written!
hey we missed you last night!
damn the man! i missed it too on account of shitty work (allergies ive learned to just bulldoze through as they're never going away)
ps) im obviously back jack..err..andy ! did you miss me?
ha! bet u did. i know i missed everyone here!
ps) im obviously back jack..err..andy ! did you miss me?

Sets like that one by Quinne is exactly what keeps me coming to this site...

Thank you so very much for your advice. It truely means a lot. I mean because usually if you feel that way and you try to express it you get very biased view points of 'just break up with him, you can do better,' or 'he isn't good enough for you,' etc. and no one takes into account that that becomes very difficult when feelings are involved. It is nice to know that some people do like to change, though. I hope he can and is willing to.
Thanks again,
Thanks again,

Woot! The weather is finally nice!!!

where are you?
i did not see you there
Im gonna cry now, see what you did?!

life happened

just for you, hun...

Don't you hate when you find out about something great, but after the fact?
The specific thing I am talking about is a band called The Anniversary. Basically, I heard one song by them a while back that I hated (and still hate), but recently found that a lot of their other stuff is great! Too bad they broke up in 2004...
Well at least...
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The specific thing I am talking about is a band called The Anniversary. Basically, I heard one song by them a while back that I hated (and still hate), but recently found that a lot of their other stuff is great! Too bad they broke up in 2004...
Well at least...
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How's the Lasik healing up?