this comment was left on my last post where I was writing about my other sleeve plans.
"Little one, you are just fine as you are. Give yourself a 2 month break!"
I just deleted it because it pissed me off so.
So, to me this is interpreted as this poster is under the ASSumption that I am unhappy with myself and striving to fill some void. I have never done anything to myself because i needed to fill some void. I do these things to myself because I am happy and would like to adorn my skin to show that... I find it a beautiful representation of what I'm feeling on the inside of me... oh yes and might I add "MY CHOICE"
Am I rushing into doing these things to myself? I don't believe so... I'm a happy, confident, smart and successful business owner.. I have a great family, friends and self image.
Did the poster ask as to why I was getting my other sleeve started? nope.. *oh yes and FYI it's not happening for 3 months because I would like some time to have my newest piercings to heal so I feel 100%..but the poster also didn't care to ask that either* There is full intention to represent something very special to me by doing this.. but like I said.. that wasn't asked..
I'm certain that I am a happy, confident 24 yr old who can freely make her own choices and does so with very careful regard for her own health and safety. mental and physical.
This asinine comment has very much pissed me off. I encountered someone the other day that made a comment to the effect that there must be something wrong with me because I've CHOSEN to do certain things to myself. Just because my choices to do certain things to myself may be different from your own doesn't make them wrong.. it just makes them different. I respect the fact that certain people will make choices different from my own.. and choose to do things at different times.. SO that being said, please respect mine.
I would also like to share some pictures of my new jewelry which came in from TAWAPA jewelry this past week. I love it and I think it's possibly my favorite.
"Little one, you are just fine as you are. Give yourself a 2 month break!"
I just deleted it because it pissed me off so.
So, to me this is interpreted as this poster is under the ASSumption that I am unhappy with myself and striving to fill some void. I have never done anything to myself because i needed to fill some void. I do these things to myself because I am happy and would like to adorn my skin to show that... I find it a beautiful representation of what I'm feeling on the inside of me... oh yes and might I add "MY CHOICE"
Am I rushing into doing these things to myself? I don't believe so... I'm a happy, confident, smart and successful business owner.. I have a great family, friends and self image.
Did the poster ask as to why I was getting my other sleeve started? nope.. *oh yes and FYI it's not happening for 3 months because I would like some time to have my newest piercings to heal so I feel 100%..but the poster also didn't care to ask that either* There is full intention to represent something very special to me by doing this.. but like I said.. that wasn't asked..
I'm certain that I am a happy, confident 24 yr old who can freely make her own choices and does so with very careful regard for her own health and safety. mental and physical.
This asinine comment has very much pissed me off. I encountered someone the other day that made a comment to the effect that there must be something wrong with me because I've CHOSEN to do certain things to myself. Just because my choices to do certain things to myself may be different from your own doesn't make them wrong.. it just makes them different. I respect the fact that certain people will make choices different from my own.. and choose to do things at different times.. SO that being said, please respect mine.
I would also like to share some pictures of my new jewelry which came in from TAWAPA jewelry this past week. I love it and I think it's possibly my favorite.

Well that was a jacked comment and completely wrong your gorgeous. The new shiny things are pretty as well.

What an asshat
Do what you want, you def. seem to have good taste in the body mod department