Wish my first blog would come from somewhere fun or on the lines of that but after all the hate I've seen posted about what went down in my home town I guess it can't. I'm a Vegas native, born and raised. I'm a single dad of two amazing little Vegas natives. How people can be so fucking cruel and hope more whites died in last night's attack is beyond me. I have never wished anything like that on anyone nor will I ever but to see the things posted online makes me hurt and fear for my kids as they grow up. I had friends there! One of which is in the hospital. I can't say this on other sites but here I know ( and hope ) I won't be judged just because of the color of my skin. If we could just look past the B.S. and see we all are the damn same the world would be an amazing place. We are all equal in the grave so let's make the most of today. Tomorrow is not a given! VegasLove!