So I guess Snapchat was having problems last night that I was unaware of. I kept trying to upload a vid of my son and it just kept failing.

I had a few beers in me and was like "is the camera even working?" So I snapped a pic. I was ass naked getting ready to jump in the shower. Yup took the picture just...
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DAMNIT! I missed it! Lol
@amberetta Yeah you did! Epic fail on my part but good thing I have a killer sense of humor. 🤣🤣🤣

So I'm cleaning the house and my son ( who is 3 ) is watchhing YouTube on my phone. 10 / 15 mins go by after I finish vacuuming I go get my phone from him to check it. This little dude some how found the People suggestion category in my IG and proceeded to spam follow everybody in the list! Everyone and anyone, my...
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Hahahaha. Too funny. It certainly could have been worse. 😎
Update : Ex-wife just sends a middle finger emoji lmao thank god!

If you have Netflix you have to check out the show Cooking On High. It's a cooking competition where they have 30 minutes to prepare one meal with weed in it. It's like chopped for stoners!

Great show!!!

Wish my first blog would come from somewhere fun or on the lines of that but after all the hate I've seen posted about what went down in my home town I guess it can't. I'm a Vegas native, born and raised. I'm a single dad of two amazing little Vegas natives. How people can be so fucking cruel and hope more whites died in...
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