Funny how life presents you things at such opportune, mostly inopportune, but sometimes opportune times. This little SC blog is a way for me to express a side of myself I can't in my daily life and honestly don't want to. I'd imagine if I allowed this naughty, sex driven freak of a duel personality to rule my life I would be a porn star and nothing, absolutely nothing, against that life style, I just know that it would simply lead to the worst sort of dissatisfaction for myself. I tend to obsess and overdue random things, sex being one of them, baked potatoes being another... If I overuse I lose the high of it all. Within 6 months Id be paying someone else to attempt getting me off.
Ok enough with the Rants, it should have been Rants & Admissions not Admiss... never mind, onto the Admissions part.
Admission 1 : If you didn't notice from the earlier alter ego description I am a sex fiend, not the kind that has sex all the time though. I do have full... 85% control of this part of me. I crave it though from random dirty, clean, tall, big sexy men and some occasional women, just imagine the opposites of every adjective before. I want attention from everyone I share air with. I want to fuck for the shear sake of fucking. I crave all that is sex!
Admission 2 : I also have a boyfriend of 6 years who I desperately love and want to carry the children of.
Admission 3 : Im a shitty person.