Well so happy that summer is coming to a close. I love Autumn and can't wait for it to get here. Loving the amount of storms we're getting too. Been super busy at work picking up some extra shifts. Hoping my friend and i get to go to the Twins of Evil concert to see Zombie and Manson. Super excited to visit some wineries and just hang outside some more. My friend and I are also starting to plan our trip to some place tropical for Februaryish time; right now we're thinking maybe the Bahamas or a cruise or something. Also booking hotels for me and my mom's trip to Ireland and Scotland in March. We are heading over for St. Patricks Day and my birthday. So any suggestions on thing to do or places to see for anyone who's been there are welcomed. Lots of things coming just trying to keep up.
I'm also pleased that we can say that autumn is coming.