- on havenlee's page
i have a headache. the weekend was to busy to feel even remotely rested. pooey. that sums up this week.

Wow. i haven't been on here for awhile! nothing much is really new. still working to much and not sleeping enough but, it's all self inflicted so what am i bitching about. I managed to bring karaoke back to the bar i work at. last thursday was it's first night and it was awesome!! out of 15 singers only about 3 weren't very good but,...
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Hell yes, I think karaoke may be the only thing missing from my life right now.
I'd agree, but I'm not a singer. Nothing's missing from my life, feels nice to say that.
Hope more people show up at the bar, alcohol solves all problems. lol.
Hope more people show up at the bar, alcohol solves all problems. lol.
Final score: Me 1, Dead Guy 0
last thurday night i found a dead body behind the bar. i though he was sleeping. I even poked him with "the bum stick" but, figured the guy was passed out. Being the oh so nice bartender that i am i let the guy sleep. i think if i had actually tried to wake him up he might...
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last thurday night i found a dead body behind the bar. i though he was sleeping. I even poked him with "the bum stick" but, figured the guy was passed out. Being the oh so nice bartender that i am i let the guy sleep. i think if i had actually tried to wake him up he might...
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Actually, if you had woken him up (if he was alive when you saw him that is) he would have just gone off and died elsewhere. Think of it this way, you didn't prolong his agony by making him shuffle off to another location to expire.
We normally leave bums where they are, unless people continually call us and harrass us because they don't like to see a homeless guy near their favorite Jamba Juice. Then we go and give them a bottle of water and ask them to move to a more discreet location. Or we offer to call the LARC van for them (LARC=Local Alcoholic Rehabilitation Clinic) so they can sober up and get something to eat if the facility is not too full.
Hell, sometimes we give them taxi vouchers to the nearest hospital that way they can go see a doctor and get taken care of a bit. The cool thing about that is that sometimes they get to take a shower (it's actually for the sake of the doctor, nothing is worse smelling than a homeless person's feet, no joke) and sometimes the Salvation Army or another organization will bring them new shoes and socks so that's cool.
Still, be secure in the fact that you let homeboy die with a little shred of dignity and didn't pull a "Don't die near my workplace" type of bit. That would have just been plain rude.
We normally leave bums where they are, unless people continually call us and harrass us because they don't like to see a homeless guy near their favorite Jamba Juice. Then we go and give them a bottle of water and ask them to move to a more discreet location. Or we offer to call the LARC van for them (LARC=Local Alcoholic Rehabilitation Clinic) so they can sober up and get something to eat if the facility is not too full.
Hell, sometimes we give them taxi vouchers to the nearest hospital that way they can go see a doctor and get taken care of a bit. The cool thing about that is that sometimes they get to take a shower (it's actually for the sake of the doctor, nothing is worse smelling than a homeless person's feet, no joke) and sometimes the Salvation Army or another organization will bring them new shoes and socks so that's cool.
Still, be secure in the fact that you let homeboy die with a little shred of dignity and didn't pull a "Don't die near my workplace" type of bit. That would have just been plain rude.

You look very, very familiar... do I know you?
The weekend has finally arrived!! I tried typing this last night after the bar but, something went wrong. Anyhoo... I'm working the bar tonight and the minute i get off i'm heading to flagstaff for the weekend! I'm stoked to get the hell out of dodge. i'm tired from the heat, i'm tired of my roommate, i'm tired of working so fucking much and i'm...
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hey your from ohio me too!
anywho hope you had a good time in flag
anywho hope you had a good time in flag
...getting worried about you.
sooo stoned.

you're not the only one
You seem pretty interesting... if you ever have any desire to hang out with the SGAZ crew you difiately should. It's a fun, relatively normal, group. If your interested in bullshitting at our dive bar with the rest of us, we do it every week.

*deep breath* Ahh. memorial day weekend. i have the next three and a half days off!!!!!!!! and what am i going to do???? absa-fuckin-loutley nothing!! well, i might go camping i haven't decided yet. i'm having a hard time finding shrooms
my week went soooooo well and sooooo fast i feel great. and i've decided that i really need to ignore my first thoughts on...
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Yeah, it's great to have a nice relaxing weekend... and still manage to get laid. Best of both worlds. Love it.
I see you don't leave out the best parts. I settled for boating and a BBQ, but I doubt it was as exciting as your weekend.

God damn it. I seem to have gotten into another down mood. I hate this crap, i don't feel normal and i hate being grumpy. Maybe i'm just tired from watching the suns kick the clippers asses. i'm sitting here at my office, thinking about how i have to bartend tonight. it makes me wanna cry!! can a girl get ahead without having two damn...
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I have two jobs. I haven't time to think or breath. I feel for you.
maybe you could get a 2nd job temporarily, and meanwhile look for 1 good job that could compensate for the 2 financially... that's all i got. not very good advice. my brain is on auto-pilot tonight.
i had an eventful weekend. i don't feel rested.

those are the best kind of weekends
the promotion is kind of something I'll work into, so we'll see
the promotion is kind of something I'll work into, so we'll see
GOOD Its time to go out and do it again!!!
Have a great weekend gorgeous
Have a great weekend gorgeous

Another tuesday. Let's see if i can keep the crazies at bay. I'm getting so mad at myself for not sending in that fucking SG application. Most of the good pictures that i have are head shots! It's time to start hanging out by the pool it's getting hot, hot, hot. maybe then i'd have more body pix. blaah. that's what i have to...
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Whats up gorgeous??? How was your friday night???? Mine sucked. lasted till 3 but it stll was pretty borring. You know there is nothing like sitting on the beach and getting some sun. Mmmm. Closest beach to you is right down the street from my house

I was in a pool last week, damn wish I would have known then.
Good luck on your application, and don't forget to tease us with some of those body pics!

Good luck on your application, and don't forget to tease us with some of those body pics!
So, i was bartending last night and this douche bag with some fucking tear tatoos had to give me a hard time. He asked me out the other night and i respectfully declined (i.e. i'd rather play in traffic) but, apparently he can't take no for an answer. He barrated(spelling?) me, on and off for about three hours and i finally just told him i...
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G'me a call next time that happens. I don't work for the bar so I can just kick the crap out of 'em

So are you saying you wanna go on a date?

I don't like mondays. But, i MIGHT actually follow through on a date for this weekend. Ahh shit I don't know! Dating is so stupid/stressful! I get so anxious about them and i end up bailing and canceling. Why must i make my life so complicated??? I try to ease it by being unavailable and staying super busy. How long can i keep this up?

I was thinking about taking some computer network admin type classes....techy type stuff.
Although, there are a number general/required courses that I need to take...
It'll probably boil down to whatever's available, because I'll more than likely wait until the last minute to register
Although, there are a number general/required courses that I need to take...
It'll probably boil down to whatever's available, because I'll more than likely wait until the last minute to register

My boss from my day job had a stroke this week. I'm trippin'!!! He's a really good boss and I hate the idea of anything bad happening to him. So, i have been running my office ALONE since wed. when he stroked out.
It's stressful. Makes me kind of sad. Between both jobs this week has been tough. is it beer thirty yet? fuck that,...
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damn sounds like we both had hell weeks....lame
it is definitely Jager/Redbull thirty and then some for the next 72 hours!
past the lips over the gums look out liver im kickin your ass!!!!!
it is definitely Jager/Redbull thirty and then some for the next 72 hours!
past the lips over the gums look out liver im kickin your ass!!!!!

haha, that's my kind of woman. liquor is quicker.

"Hey, don't I know..."