Holy Hell its been forever! I'd love to say that I've just been ridiculously busy, but thats soooo not the case! hahahahaaa My kids went to Cali 12th with their dad, so I've actually been kinda depressed that they're gone
But I'm getting better
I just miss them, but I talked to my daughter last night
Gosh I miss them! Sooooo whats new in my world kiddoes!? The guy im seeing is still just a guy I'm seeing.....yeah you the one, the guy i bitched about that was going TOOOOOO fuckin slow...yeah, well, we're still in limbo.....lmao That's what he told me, yeah believe that?! He says I'm perfect physically and now he wants to know what Im about....? wtf dude, ASK A QUESTION then....so far all you've been interested in is what you can get away with in the bedroom...hahaha It's whatever, ME being an option for this guy is gettin gold, he is in fact turning himself into an option because he's becoming not worth my time.....I'll be back later, I'll be drunk I'm sure so it should be good, I'll be chatting tonight! Miss you guys!!!
Havasu Huni 

If you're ok with it fine, I'll say no more & just say get yours.