So I went outside today to dig my car out from the many feet of snow it was stuck under. All I had was my one sweep broom, a rubber broom with a flat end on one side. I got my car cleaned off no problem, but had to dig out with my bare hands to get it over the mountains of snow. There was a lady outside with a shovel and broom who was just kind of standing around watching her kid play. Chris walks outside about 30 minutes later with a metal pot to dig out with. No more than 2 minutes he is outside and this woman hands him the shovel to help him. Why are my neighbors such dicks? I guess I must have looked like I was having a fucking ball digging with red burning cold hands.
Then after not being able to move my car, making my tires reek of rubber, I gave up and went inside to call my dad, the only man in my life that actually gives two shits about me. Him and my brother are on there way here. I'm up here for maybe five minutes, and the same woman who offered Chris the shovel is at my door, ASKING TO BORROW MY ONE SWEEP. I was nice and let her, but inside my blood is fucking boiling.
Then after not being able to move my car, making my tires reek of rubber, I gave up and went inside to call my dad, the only man in my life that actually gives two shits about me. Him and my brother are on there way here. I'm up here for maybe five minutes, and the same woman who offered Chris the shovel is at my door, ASKING TO BORROW MY ONE SWEEP. I was nice and let her, but inside my blood is fucking boiling.
yep thats what pete said! it was a good living and learn thing
thank u and merry christmas!