I went to the beach with my mom today, and literally coated myself in SPF 50. Somehow managed to burn about half of my chest -_-
On the bright side I had a few hours to read a book I'd been putting off since high school, but barely made a dent in it,
On the bright side I had a few hours to read a book I'd been putting off since high school, but barely made a dent in it,
I'm just so sick of all the favoritism and rule braking...and i called out sick fro the first time in over 8 months and Ellie or Sherri called over to pete's store to see if he was working...just pissed me off I'm a hard worker i wouldn't call out on a sat to chill w Pete i need the money to bad I'm sorry i was up all night puking and shitting and couldn't come in....i hate Ellie and Sherri so much
like i talked to Andrea about all the things Ellie and Sherri do and Andrea said most of them are straight up determination....but I'm just sacred they just get them a slap on the wrist and then ill be the one to really pay....they hardly book me any dogs now...so Pete's working on my resume so i just need to get out i guess.