(`. Lightbulbs .`)
The world is full of people with good ideas. You might meet several in a day. You might chat with them over lunch or coffee, in the queue at the bookstore, supermarket or laundrette, on a webcam or while strolling in the park. Time and location never preclude ideas.
Sometimes their good ideas 'click' with you and after a sharp intake of breath you utter '... that's a really good idea!' and your clich provokes a beaming smile in return. You then both promptly go on about your business, and that good idea, so vexing because it was not yours in the first place, troubles you less and less as each minute that passes heaps another spade full of soil onto its casket. Buried and forgotten, but marked by the sub-conscious for an act of grave-robbing at sometime in the future, when decomposition has robbed it of little but its originator.
Sometimes they don't 'click' with you: they float over the top of your head like helium balloons with only their frustrated conceiver left grasping for their strings, perhaps because you had stooped so patronisingly low you just couldn't reach them.
And how the hell do you tell a 'good' idea from a 'bad' one in the first place? The ideas that weren't quite 'good' enough to float covertly away hang low in the sky, just high enough to make you think they could soar.... And, of course, bad ideas are easier to get hold of in the first place....
Yummy!! Take a peek at the lovely Bambi.
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The world is full of people with good ideas. You might meet several in a day. You might chat with them over lunch or coffee, in the queue at the bookstore, supermarket or laundrette, on a webcam or while strolling in the park. Time and location never preclude ideas.
Sometimes their good ideas 'click' with you and after a sharp intake of breath you utter '... that's a really good idea!' and your clich provokes a beaming smile in return. You then both promptly go on about your business, and that good idea, so vexing because it was not yours in the first place, troubles you less and less as each minute that passes heaps another spade full of soil onto its casket. Buried and forgotten, but marked by the sub-conscious for an act of grave-robbing at sometime in the future, when decomposition has robbed it of little but its originator.
Sometimes they don't 'click' with you: they float over the top of your head like helium balloons with only their frustrated conceiver left grasping for their strings, perhaps because you had stooped so patronisingly low you just couldn't reach them.
And how the hell do you tell a 'good' idea from a 'bad' one in the first place? The ideas that weren't quite 'good' enough to float covertly away hang low in the sky, just high enough to make you think they could soar.... And, of course, bad ideas are easier to get hold of in the first place....

Yummy!! Take a peek at the lovely Bambi.
For Non-SG Members
o~ How to Navigate My Journal ~o
o~ Join SuicideGirls!! ~o
You have a yummy belly.

i just love your journals !