(`. Goddamn Awful Trousers .`)
I had a weird dream this evening when I took a nap. I dreamt I was on holiday visiting friends in Scotland and Id only took one pair of goddamn awful trouser--my painting trousers, that goddamn awful pair I wear when slapping paint about at the easel.
I normally have surreal dreams of sex, death and monsters, but awful trousers? Thats a new one for me (although for a while a few months back, I did have a recurring dream of being gummed to death by a basking shark (which has no teeth) and that had something to do with trousers too, but thats too surreal to bother you with and any wannabie-shrinks that read anything into that are just being knobs
I did just order a smashing new pair the other day, so perhaps some kind of anxious longing fielded this nightmare!
Night night.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~
I had a weird dream this evening when I took a nap. I dreamt I was on holiday visiting friends in Scotland and Id only took one pair of goddamn awful trouser--my painting trousers, that goddamn awful pair I wear when slapping paint about at the easel.
I normally have surreal dreams of sex, death and monsters, but awful trousers? Thats a new one for me (although for a while a few months back, I did have a recurring dream of being gummed to death by a basking shark (which has no teeth) and that had something to do with trousers too, but thats too surreal to bother you with and any wannabie-shrinks that read anything into that are just being knobs

I did just order a smashing new pair the other day, so perhaps some kind of anxious longing fielded this nightmare!

Night night.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~