(`. Un Chevalier Pour La Location (Knight for Hire--Weddings, parties, anything, and bongo jazz a specialty.), .`)
One of my major passions is Arthurian myth and Legend: the tales relating to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In life, I pride myself of being a gentlemen worthy of those chivalrous stories and when I cant live up to that I just switch my role model from Sir Gawaine to the villainous Sir Mordred for the afternoon (or even valorous Launcelot--after all, his story is a forlorn quest for redemption for the sins he has and has yet to commit....)
Courtly love played a necessary part of the modus vivendi of the chivalrous fraternity. Although its authenticity is extremely dubious at best, its importance historically and in the literary canon and for the online Grail questers is beyond doubt and measure. However, an integral component is suspension-of-disbelief, the very quintessential heart of fantasy, and sometimes even the most valiant knight-errant is afflicted by cynicism. It is at this time that the words gallows and humour are preferable to the sharpest steel....
Help! Help me!. The wolves are coming to get me. Save me! the fair-maiden implored of her brave knight. He straddled his charger and galloped off forthwith to aid his distressed-damsel. But as he entered the forbidding Tanglewood he found himself troubled: his amour had stumbled into this tenebrious forest to the delight of its rapacious denizens again....
It may be blasphemous to the fairytale narrative, but here the good Sir Galahad yanked at the reins and, remembering he was late for tea, exited Stage Left.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~
One of my major passions is Arthurian myth and Legend: the tales relating to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In life, I pride myself of being a gentlemen worthy of those chivalrous stories and when I cant live up to that I just switch my role model from Sir Gawaine to the villainous Sir Mordred for the afternoon (or even valorous Launcelot--after all, his story is a forlorn quest for redemption for the sins he has and has yet to commit....)
Courtly love played a necessary part of the modus vivendi of the chivalrous fraternity. Although its authenticity is extremely dubious at best, its importance historically and in the literary canon and for the online Grail questers is beyond doubt and measure. However, an integral component is suspension-of-disbelief, the very quintessential heart of fantasy, and sometimes even the most valiant knight-errant is afflicted by cynicism. It is at this time that the words gallows and humour are preferable to the sharpest steel....
Help! Help me!. The wolves are coming to get me. Save me! the fair-maiden implored of her brave knight. He straddled his charger and galloped off forthwith to aid his distressed-damsel. But as he entered the forbidding Tanglewood he found himself troubled: his amour had stumbled into this tenebrious forest to the delight of its rapacious denizens again....
It may be blasphemous to the fairytale narrative, but here the good Sir Galahad yanked at the reins and, remembering he was late for tea, exited Stage Left.

~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~