(`. Carnival of the Vanities .`)
Sometimes it takes a friend to help you see the sense that opportunity can obfuscate. It takes a friend to remind you of your convictions and halt the grotesque carnival induced by corroded integrity and contorted emotions. It takes someone close to notice that your work has slipped, that the canvas is dry and that the palette needs scraping! Three coffees down and I just wrote something so simple yet so comforting in its honesty. Sometimes all it takes are lips you know.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~
Sometimes it takes a friend to help you see the sense that opportunity can obfuscate. It takes a friend to remind you of your convictions and halt the grotesque carnival induced by corroded integrity and contorted emotions. It takes someone close to notice that your work has slipped, that the canvas is dry and that the palette needs scraping! Three coffees down and I just wrote something so simple yet so comforting in its honesty. Sometimes all it takes are lips you know.
~~~~ How to Navigate My Journal ~~~~